A key feature to the safe operation and function of each Latitude Filtered Hood, Saf-T-Zone Filtration Technology provides an additional level of user safety during routine manipulation of harmful substances and powders, as the entire rear wall of the Latitude Filtered Hood is a filtration area. This design pulls all contaminants being manipulated away from the user's breathing zone with constant horizontal negative airflow.
Harmful substances manipulated and released within the hood are removed first by electrostatic prefilters and further captured by the primary HEPA filtration layer. This is only the first step of the total Saf-T-Zone filtration design found in Latitude Filtered Hoods.
Once filtered air travels through the first two mechanical filtration medias, it must then enter into the secondary safety area, where another set of HEPA filters is positioned. Meeting the same filtration standards as the first layer of filtration, these filters are 99.997% effective at capturing particles as small as 0.3 µm. The secondary safety HEPA filters in all Latitude Hoods are leak particulate tested to assure that they are sealed and able to effectively capture any harmful particulate that is introduced.
The final stage of the Saf-T-Zone filtration package is an optional carbon filter. This carbon filter will remove potentially harmful fumes and vapors associated with the narcotics being handled within the Latitude Filtered Hood. Compliant to ANSI/AIHA Standards, all filtered air exiting the carbon filter is constantly sampled using a down-stream gas detection device.